Look Up, Get up, Speak up
Look up, get up, speak up.
Peri Menopause, Menopause, and Post Menopause, can we cancel this season of life? Oh, how I wish I could tell you we could, but it comes like a thief in the night, stealing our youth, depleting our nutriments, altering our mood, and slowing down the cell turnover that maintains our youthful bodies. Must I say more?
That once plentiful flow of youth has paused and is now slowly striving for a dormant rest. But we must get up, look up, and SPEAK UP. It’s not just our steps and joints, memory, skin, but our hair that can be affected. Why? WHY? Yes, ma’am, I screamed, “My hair.” I thought I had it all under control. I achieved some life goals, children off to college and now, it’s time to live, right? I’m so laughing, but menopause comes knocking on my door. Do I answer? No way! But it keeps chipping away at you like a handsome prince until you pay attention.
To be honest, menopause had actually set in a while ago. Did you know menopause comes in stages? They are perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. So guess what, I want to be on the other side of the platform standing up for my and health and my hair.
Only little snippets. From when I had my first child -- shift of hormones right -- hair grew, birth of a child, hair density change. Two years later, my hair was back, thick and beautiful. As time passes by our body changes and we are in a new season of life. So, what is menopause and what does it mean to our hair? Menopause is
Seek a trichologist in your area for more information.